Sunday 28 September 2008

Welcome (English), Fàilte (Scottish Gaelic), Croeso (Welsh), and Y'alright (Londonish)!

Hello, all. This will be my very stereotypical study abroad blog. In it, you will get to hear thrilling tales and theoretically amusing musings on my life as a graduate student in London, one of the great world capitals. Some of it will be relatively specific to my life, such as what it's like to be a graduate student in one of the constituent institutions of the University of London (henceforth, the College, to avoid defamation). I will avoid overly personal rantings, and keep it somewhat informative, taking a pompously scholarly view of the life of a foreigner in modern Britain. I hope my anecdotes will first of all entertain you and make you laugh, and just maybe get you thinking about things you took for granted. Or, you might click once and never return again, but I hope that isn't the case.

1 comment:

WonkaWonka said...

ANDY!!!! I miss you, this is great though! yay blogs!!!!
Love Becky