Monday 16 March 2009

GB = Great Britain, or Gendy Bendy?

First off, I'd like to state that I'm all for the smashing of the gender binary and the liberation of people of all gender identities. However, there are some things about gender norms in Britain that I think are amusing (while making no judgment of them as bad, just remarkable for their difference from my home culture). I'll keep it short, but consider these points about the behaviour of British men:

1. They get drunk and touch each other, a lot. And I mean, noticeably so, to the point where I sometimes feel confused when witnessing the straightest of 'lads' hanging all over their friends while slurring out 'Mateeeeee....' and hugging, and grabbing. Not in a sexual way, but this sort of physical showing of affection between heterosexual males, normally so guarded with any show of emotion, takes some getting used to.

2. Many young males use hair straighteners, as in irons, to get that hyper-straight look before crafting some of the most intensely sculpted do's around. As if the average male of British ethnic background doesn't have fairly straight hair to begin with. Unlike in the United States, this activity is not confined to the more aesthetically interested gay male, but permeates even to the late-teenage football-playing hetero crowd.

3. From personal experience: Friend A (a male) is informed that Friend B (also a male) is gay. Friend A exclaims surprise. I mention to Friend A that, if we are going to use stereotypes about behaviour to assess people's sexuality, Friend B is fairly flaming. Friend A responds, 'Oh, I just thought he was a bit camp, not gay.' Because here, one does not necessarily imply the other, especially among the middling and upper classes. Though, I suppose its sort of like preppy Georgetown types wearing pink pants and half-unbuttoned linen shirts.

C'est la Vie.